

Nature Medicineから Interleukin-6 enhances insulin secretion by increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion from L cells and alpha cells pp1481 - 1489 Helga Ellingsgaard, Irina Hauselmann, Beat Schuler, Abdella M Habib, Laurie L Baggio, D…


Nature Medicineから Tissue factor-protease-activated receptor 2 signaling promotes diet-induced obesity and adipose inflammation pp1490 - 1497 Leylla Badeanlou, Christian Furlan-Freguia, Guang Yang, Wolfram Ruf and Fahumiya Samad doi:10.10…

「浮気」の効果(NatureのNews and viewsから)

Gerlach, N. M., McGlothlin, J. W., Parker, P. G. & Ketterson, E. D. Proc. R. Soc. B http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2011.1547 (2011) バージニアにいるjuncoという小鳥の繁殖を17年にわたって追跡した。小鳥を捕まえて採血し、遺伝子解析で親子関係を…