

Airway Uric Acid Is a Sensor of Inhaled Protease Allergens and Initiates Type 2 Immune Responses in Respiratory Mucosa Kenichiro Hara, Koji Iijima, Martha K. Elias, Satoshi Seno, Ichiro Tojima, Takao Kobayashi, Gail M. Kephart, Masahiko Ku…


Obesity interferes with the orosensory detection of long-chain fatty acids in humans1,2,3 Michael Chevrot Am J Clin Nutr May 2014 vol. 99 no. 5 975-983 痩せた男性30名と肥満した男性29名にリノール酸を含む試験食を食べさせ感じられるか調べた。…